MUA is a multidisciplinary approach that is performed in an outpatient surgical center typically involving chiropractors, anesthesiologist and medical physicians working together to restore functional range of motion over a single or multiple procedures using manipulation, stretches soft tissue maneuvers and often medical pain management procedures.
Patients that do not respond to conservative care and still have a loss of functional ROM are not happy patients. They will seek medical only care and unfortunately for many , a surgeon’s knife. You can still help these patients. You can be part of a new solution and continue to rest them in your office
The cost of a MUA Seminar is $1300.00 - ($1000 in Advance) Re-certifications are $600.00. ($500 in advance) Proctoring is now required by most malpractice carriers including NCMIC. This requires processing a patient through the documentation phase and the observation of two procedures. There is a small additional fee to download some of the course material charged by
25 Continuing Education Credit Hours covering
Understanding the Science of MUACompliance and use of MUADeveloping a patient profileOverview of technique and protocolsClinical proceduresImportance of Post - MUA careDocumentation and writing a Letter of Medical NecessityProcedural EthicsImportance of proper documentation.
You will receive upon completion of the course and passing the examinations a Manipulation Under Anesthesia Certificate for Malpractice licensure
February 21 - 23, 2020
4:00 pm - 10: 00 pm Friday
5:00 am - 10:00 pm Saturday
6:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday
Question 1 - Is recertification all weekend?
A. - You can attend Saturday and Sunday only and skip Friday if you prefer, but you are welcome to attend the entire class if you wish!
Question 2 - Is there Continuing Ed Credits?
Procedures begin Friday morning at 4:30 am. I am asking providers to be there at 4:00 am. We should be able to proceed through lunch (noon). We will pick up after lunch through 6:00 pm on Friday.
Saturday will pick up at 6:00 am until we finish around 2:00 pm Saturday.
Please bring 1 to 2 case filed of potential MUA patients we can use as documentation examples.
We will work additional hours outside of the detailed time to make sure every provider is able to work a patient form initial exam through the procedure
You should all have the downloaded MUA book already. If you do not, please contact me immediately.
You will receive a link to download the course material and pre class instructions including attire and what information to bring with you. Please watch your email!!
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