First of all, we thank you Veterans for your courage, commitment and sacrifices so that we fellow Americans can live the American Dream and provide you with what we believe to be the finest Chiropractic care possible. We are here to serve you, and will assist you in whatever way we can to bring health and ease back into your daily lives.
First of all, we thank you Veterans for your courage, commitment and sacrifices so that we fellow Americans can live the American Dream and provide you with what we believe to be the finest Chiropractic care possible. We are here to serve you, and will assist you in whatever way we can to bring health and ease back into your daily lives. It would be our honor for you to call us your Chiropractors.
The most common Central Alabama and Atlanta VA referral for Chiropractic care in our office is for 12 visits to be seen over the course of 90-days. Follow-up 6-8 visit referrals are common for an additional 90-days. Please call if you need help in beginning the VA referral process.
Need more visits ?
We got you, Stephanie will make sure the SAR required is filed for you
Where does the process of seeing a Chiropractor begin for a Veteran?
Where does the process of seeing a Chiropractor begin for a Veteran?
How does a veteran get a Chiropractic referral?
Important information from the Community Care and Optum:
Important information from the Community Care and Optum:
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