3 cc of each ingredient in a 500 cc bag
Get a 1 time super boost and see how awesome it is!
While they can be infused weekly, you have 90 days to get all three.
Awesome way to Build your overall health with 5 Infusion session and a $295 savings!! you have 4 months to use
5 cc of each ingredient in a 1000 cc bag
1 Infusion of the best there is. Energy and Immunity in 1 sitting
Live your Best Month Ever . 3 Platinum Infusions . Get ready to mon walk
A new lifestyle. 5 Platinum Infusions with a $446 savings +. Feel like a superhero and boost you immune system to infinity and beyond!
Our Medical Professionals will determine if your health status is safe for this treatment. This is not prescribed to treat any specific disease, but to help elevate the vitamins and minerals your body uses to develop and maintain its immune system. If the immune system is functioning properly, this will aid in preventing or lowering the effects of many illnesses that affect your overall health. There is no guarantee that your response to this treatment will be the same as another. Our hope and method is inplace to provide a safe and proven option to help your bodies own immune system become stronger.
Intravenous therapy (a.k.a IV nutrition, IV nutritional therapy, IV therapy or IV nutrient therapy) is a type of therapy commonly used for its wide range of health benefits, which can include anti-aging, improved immune system minimized anxiety, reversed symptoms of hangovers and more. Because IV treatment is administered directly into the veins, the results may be faster than those of oral or other traditional medicines. Physicians believe IV nutrient therapy can be safe, effective and restorative, and can be customized to suit the unique needs of each patient individually.
A physical history must be completed to essentially determine if IV vitamin/nutrient replenishment is safe for you. This history will provide risk assessment as well as a list of the medications currently taken. This also is indicative of disease states. Because nutrient and vitamin infusions are used for variety of ailments from chronic fatigue to a night of excessive drinking, we must determine who should not be treated or treated with extreme caution.
We also take blood pressure measures both prior to and post infusion. We obtain lab work to determine the patient’s BUN (A blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test is used to determine how well your kidneys are working. It does this by measuring the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood. Urea nitrogen is a waste product that's created in the liver when the body breaks down proteins.) and a BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel) completed. Our healthcare provider MD, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant will determine what lab work is required for the infusion. Done correctly this is a safe procedure. Some formulations have been around since the mid 1950’s
Focused on Immune Therapy
This isn't new science, its tried and true and may be your sheild of armour in these trying times
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